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Anansi Performance - live cuts - Laura Maj / Skule Mahoree / kkarrott / Oz Yehiely
00:00 / 00:00


0:00- Laughra L.M.

1:20  der Garten der Waisen L.M.

3:18  Chosen role in a selftitled piece M.W.

5:00  Earth Kitsch L.M.



Performance​ "Anansi"

"Anansi (/əˈnɑːnsi/ ə-nahn-see) is an African folktale character. He often takes the shape of a spider and is considered to be the spirit of all knowledge of stories." Wikipedia en 11.08.2016 

"Anansi, der afrikanische Gott des Schabernacks, der Gauner, auch die Spinne genannt, ist eine Figur westafrikanischer Mythen und wird als Spinne beschrieben. In der Religion der Akan (Ghana und Elfenbeinküste) ist Anansi Vermittler seines Vaters, des Himmelsgottes Nyame, bzw. dessen Diener." Wikipedia 11.08.2016

She's the net-builder, she's the one who dares. she's the one who takes responsibility for her actions. that she's performing. out of her nest, into the maniac world. but soon back to the garden. where she eats the fruit of consciousness. there she meets a goddess, who sings about the world reflecting her, her view and her choices. and she challenges her in a dance. where they find together. Anansi sings the song of "Earth Kitsch".

Performance & Rap Songs by Laura Maj

kkarrott - drums 

Oz Yehiely - bass

Skule Mahoree - singer / sounds




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